Liz Bordonaro

Why 12-week

Hi there. I’m Liz. It’s simple, give me 12 weeks, that’s all I’m asking for.

12 weeks is how long it will take to truly see a difference. Your overall health will change for the better if you chose to commit to the 12-WEEK program. I won’t tell you it will be simple, but I will tell you exactly what to do for 12 weeks to improve your health and meet your goals.

I have been working with clients for 15 years. As an IFBB Professional, I specialize in Weight Training, Cardiovascular Training, and Nutrition/Meal Planning. I will provide you with the tools to be successful if you decide to commit to the program.

It’s only 12 weeks and I’m just asking 1 simple thing; Follow the plan.

~ Liz Bordonaro